Can creativity be taught? I’m not sure, but it certainly can be cultivated. My friend Steve recommended Edward de Bono’s book Lateral Thinking . I see it was published several decades ago, but it has me thinking about thinking. We are encouraged, indeed, compelled by logic to follow a linear, or in de Bono’s words, vertical approach to thinking. One of the characteristics of this structure is that each step along the way must be unerringly right for the next step to work. Creativity, de Bono insists, uses both vertical thinking and lateral thinking. Lateral thinking is the process of withholding judgment so that numerous alternatives might be considered. No matter how irrational. De Bono isn’t writing particularly for writers. His book was for teachers, primarily of younger students, giving them suggestions and exercises to increase lateral thinking ability. While not everything might apply, some key aspects of his approach re...
Blog of a struggling writer.