So, just when I get started picking up steam in fiction, something drags me back to non. I suppose the fact that I’ve had four nonfiction books published while my novel has been repeatedly rejected has something to do with it. In any case, “Easy Chair” is now available on Coffin Bell.
One of my Breck stories, this tale was inspired by my experience in higher education. It’s a hostile environment. If you’ve ever lost a job as a professor, you know what I mean. Revenge is something that frequently comes to mind.
A fun bit of horror that considers if trying revenge is really a good idea, “Easy Chair” had a relatively easy time with publication. Unlike almost all of my stories, it was never rejected. I revised it quite a few times before sending it out, but still, that’s remarkable.
My very first published story as an adult (I don’t really count those from high school—who knows anything then?), “Hide and Seek,” was also never rejected. If it hadn’t been for that early boost of confidence I probably never would’ve gone on to try to publish anything else.
I spent much of the holiday season this year writing fiction. I lined up eleven stories to send out for consideration. Now they sit on my hard drive because I’ve been distracted by another nonfiction book. I’m afraid somebody will beat me to the idea since it’s a book I can’t believe doesn’t already exist.
“Easy Chair” should be my pole star, though. I really want to write more fiction. Its earning potential (in my experience) is much higher than nonfiction. But who wants to read what an ex-professor, whose experience of life has been a kind of horror, has to say? Fiction it up and they’ll publish it.
I’m thrilled to have a story appear in Coffin Bell. Check them out! And unless more unexpected good news arrives, the next post here will be The Space between Atoms again.
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