Blogger isn’t my native environment. I can’t afford two WordPress sites, though. Living a dual life doesn’t equate to having dual bank accounts, I’m afraid.
I neglect this blog because I write non-fiction and conduct business as a normal human being with a normal name. My normal job doesn’t allow for fiction publication, besides, I don’t want them to know what goes on inside my head.
Trying to get the old Blogger site up to code has been a challenge, though. Months ago I added other pages (see above) and wondered why nobody else could see them. Turns out you have to have a kind of course in Blogger-ese to figure out how. I think it worked.
Why the additional pages? Well, I’ve been querying agents again. This is a great exercise for those of us who like to bang our heads into walls. To get an agent you need to have a following. To get a following you need to have an agent. It’s a circle of life kind of thing.
So my weekends—about the only times I don’t work and I’m sober—are spent speed-dating agents. Many of them want you to query only them so they can reject you on their own time and you’ll have to wait another four months to try to find a publisher. Screw that.
My Medusa novel has been ready to see the light of day for a long time. It’s one of those novels you need to read a while before you get what it’s really about. Hands up, anyone who’s read a book and had to keep going a while before liking it! Both my hands are in the air. How am I typing then?
Meanwhile non-profit non-fiction calls. At least there I can get my books published. So this post is really just to tell you there are now other pages available here. I think. I’ve added a full list of published stories on the “About” page. Hopefully it will be updated. Or divine intervention will come in the form of an agent.
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