One of the few things that truly cause me happiness has just occurred. I’ve seen my most recent story published. I’m so happy, I’ll use an exclamation point!
Those of you who’ve tried writing know what an accomplishment this is. You’ve spent your life reading stuff that’s not as good as what you do, and then end each day with a pile of rejection letters so tall that you need a ladder to reach the top. Just a moment of vindication, and you’re ready to start all over again.
My first story published, “O Tannenbaum,” appeared in the online magazine Danse Macabre in December of 2009. It won an award for most macabre Christmas story that year. Danse Macabre has since become my main squeeze for getting published. They get it.
Recently Jersey Devil Press joined the exclusive club of those who don’t automatically reject whatever I submit. “Good for the Gander,” the story about a troubling goose attack, appeared this week. You can read it for free here:
Although The Passion of the Titans, my first published novel, will appear this summer, it is actually the fourth novel I’ve written. The first three never saw the light beyond the shimmering glow of my computer screen.
Writing is the business of learning to live with rejection. It is also the business that builds persistence. I read lots of stuff, some so good it makes me fucking weep. Other stuff I can’t believe convinced an editor to turn a single page. Or even click a mouse.
Thanks Jersey Devil Press for keeping the dream alive!
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