The Passion of the Titans is a sexy book. Quite apart from the expected libido of a rock star, Medusa is, in a word, hot. A young goddess in a world literally full of Adonises and Apollos. What is a girl to do?
Studies have shown that priming yourself can deepen creativity. It’s probably just evolution in action, but thinking about sex makes you more creative. It may seem sexist, but the old saw about the hapless writer working away with the picture of a naked (fill in the gender) in from of him/her (select one) is accurate. Blame it on your hormones.
No one knows whence creativity emerges. Ornaments and flourishes hardly seem necessary in the hard business of living life. Some of us would rather die at our writing desks than give it up. Our nature compels us to create, to be gods.
Creativity, like libido, ebbs and flows and surges and gushes. Some days you might as well be in the Atacama Desert, not even a cactus in sight. Other days you’re writing secret messages on banana leaves in the poisonous slime of colorful dart frogs and sending it across the steamy, piranha-infested Amazon on a raft made of cocoa trees to your lover stranded on the other side. For those days in the desert, it might help to keep your midnight fantasy close at hand.
I write, therefore I am.
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