So, I try to post every weekend. I’m in the middle of a new novel—well, wait. I’m at the beginning of a new novel, and I have three promised non-fiction papers to finish. Then after that, back to fiction. I didn’t post last weekend, however, because the internet went out. Actually, it was my modem that went out. Hard to believe that in this day and age it takes 48 hours to get a tech to fix something so damned essential, but that’s the world we live in. I tried to get some writing done since you don’t technically need the internet to do it. It didn’t work. A weekend without the internet and with no way to post on my beloved blog. What’s a struggling writer to do? Come up with ideas, that’s what. My best ideas come up when I’m doing something unrelated to the actual writing I live for. Taking a walk. Taking a shower. Driving. At least on the taking a walk option I can write things down. ...
Blog of a struggling writer.