Every great once in a while something extraordinary happens. As I mentioned in my last post, I really hadn’t submitted fiction for publication for almost three years. (I had a couple of non-fiction projects going.) About three weeks ago I began submitting again. I have a backlog of stories ready to go. That backlog is now one story less. “The Pain of a Caterpillar” was accepted, to my great delight, by Ghostlight: The Magazine of Terror . I’ve finally broken the magical number of twenty short stories accepted for publication. The truly remarkable thing, however, was the alacrity with which it was accepted. I have been writing fiction for over forty years and never had a story accepted on the same day it was submitted before. I was absolutely thrilled. As a writer, fewer things make you feel as validated as acceptance. You have to go through an awful lot of rejection to get there. This particular ...
Blog of a struggling writer.