Just yesterday I found out another academic colleague is a wannabe novelist. Unaware that I had written six novels and more short stories than I can count (I don’t have that many fingers), she asked me if I knew anything about getting an agent. My response: I know a lot about NOT getting an agent. You see, a friend of mine knows an agent. He introduced us via email. The agent kindly agreed to consider my Medusa novel, even though two weeks later he forgot who I was. At least he read it. No other agent has. Didn’t sway him, though. I spend some time on Medium.com . They have some great stuff about writing. They won’t care to read much of your stuff unless you’ve had more success than I have, but then, I’ve got a nine-to-five and I take my writing way too seriously. Hearing from my professorial colleague got me excited about my fiction again. Problem is I’ve got a non-fiction tome under contr...
Blog of a struggling writer.