There are weeks, as a writer, many weeks in fact, when I don’t submit anything for publication. I have a backlog of stories, and even of novels, but putting yourself out for possible rejection never comes easily. On the uplift from an acceptance, my ebullience leads me to submit others. This has been a week of Yes and No. I was pleased to hear on Wednesday that The Fable Online has accepted my story, “As Nature Directs,” for publication. The acceptance note kept me happy, even through work. Thursday Liminal Stories turned down my effort entitled “Fire Everlasting.” The editors said that the writing was good but the fit was not. That’s something I can understand. I really should be better about matching content and container. It’s a growth area. Having editors say the writing is good always provides a boost. It was one of the readers’ comments on “As Nature Directs” that stayed with me. The reader noted that the s...
Blog of a struggling writer.