As a self-taught writer, I frequently second-guess myself. (Funny phrase, second-guess.) I don’t know what’s normal, so when I receive a rejection note, I suppose the problem must be with me, not with the place I’m seeking to publish. I have a friend who is an editor. He tells me that if a work has promise, he’ll advise the author to revise and resubmit. This shows that there’s something worth pursuing, and it is only if it fails to impress the critics two times around that it is passed altogether. In the fiction publishing world, I’ve received a revise and resubmit suggestion only twice (both from Jersey Devil Press ). The first time the editor really like what I was doing and worked with me to get it into the form he wanted. The second time they turned down the revised piece and haven’t published me since. It is my usual practice, after a piece is rejected, to rewrite. As my writing partner Elizabeth says, in a byte of inter...
Blog of a struggling writer.