A felicitous bit of unexpected delirium came my way as I received news that one of my stories had been accepted for publication in Danse Macabre . That magazine reserves a bishop’s throne of reverence in my psyche as the first place willing to publish my efforts at finding a voice. Not exactly a neophyte at fiction—I have been writing since grade school days—publication has been an uphill forced march in an icy rain for me. I finished my first novel last century, in 1988. Like many first novels, it sucked. It didn’t seem that way to me at the time. Nothing is a better assassin to good fiction than academic writing. Trying to establish a career in higher education, I wrote a couple of dry books and some articles, always trying to up the bar a little on style and panache. Most publishers were not amused. I was 47 years old when my first fiction piece was published. In Danse Macabre . It won special mention as a macabre Christma...
Blog of a struggling writer.