Persistence. A great concept, but a harsh lover. Writing is a delicate creature, easily crushed by changes in its preferred ecosystem. I’ve been reminded of this ever since the dreadful event that I entitle the annual time displacement. Daylight savings time had a practical origin in an agricultural lifetime. Of course, our society has changed radically since then—so much so that there would be no harm in staying on daylight savings time all year long. To creatures of habit that one extra hour’s sleep in the fall doesn’t compare with the hideous, persistent weeks of uncontrollable yawns in the spring. I’m an early morning writer. Since I’m not one of the privileged few who gets paid for my efforts, writing has always been an avocation. Avocations are not viewed favorably by employers, so they are pursuits of personal time. I think most clearly in the hours before dawn that I jealously guard from others. I do not want ...
Blog of a struggling writer.